This is a music video for teddy picker by the arctic monkeys which falls into the indie genre too. This video is mainly a band rehearsal getting an in-site of the time in the studio and how they record there tracks which would be on a day to day basis for them, it is like behind the scene footage of this famous band, such as seeing his lucky crocodile head. The editing cuts are fast paced at the start of the video like one every second and slowly slow down, the camera shots have loads of meat shots as they are showing the emotion of making the track and them performing/ Alex singing, as the record distribute demands it as it will sell the song. The mise en scene is very weird as they are all wearing different clothes, like Alex the singer is in a shirt and trousers, but the drummer and bassist are in casual clothes like jeans on a t-shirt, but the guitarist is in smart casual a mixture of the two. The full music video is like a first person narrative of their everyday life, such as the studio and the pub, the camera shots are shaky and use of some blur and could signify dancing and closing eyes.
The media conventions of Teddy Picker, can be viewed through Andrew Goodwin's theories. One of them is, the relationship between music and visuals such as when they are pointing at the top 100 songs as they want to be there, this is illustrative as its illustrating the relationship between the visuals and lyrics, there is a lot of thought beats throughout this Arctic Monkeys track such as when the drummer pauses and then hits the snare and tom to start the verse. Another one of Goodwin's theories is the relationship between the lyrics and visuals, like when Alex starts singing the next verse the camera starts focusing on his face with a meat shot, with a shaky action. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics, this is true as there dress such as hair style and what they are wearing like shirt and jeans will signify the indie genre, also this video signifies the genre as it has no dance routine like in pop girl/boy band or stage performance in metal videos, but its in the studio and very common through the indie genre. The demands of the record label is present as there is a lot of close-ups of Alex singing, and the instruments being played to sell the song and image of indie. the visual style of this video is relaxed but formal as we are sitting in on there performance.